I subscribed to Secureline on the 1 computer 1 month plan, set to recur. I’ve recently learned that you keep logs and will turn over people for copyright infringement so I don’t think this is the product I thought I was buying. Anyway, I no longer want to use or pay for the service but I couldn’t find any way to cancel.
I get payment emails from Avast/Cleverbridge Software sent to my email address and the key is registered to the same address, but it doesn’t appear in your records apparently, and I was able to create a new account using the same email address. I again couldn’t see any way to cancel this monthly payment or even contact Avast privately.
I finally found the Cleverbridge page and on the few occasions where it didn’t simply redirect me to pointlessly redownload the license, it asked me to follow a link in my payment confirmation email to “cancel subscription”. Needless to say no such link exists in the email, never has.
I finally managed to email them, but even then I’m not sure whether simply cancelling the payment will cancel my subscription, or whether you’ll be chasing me for money next month. So please CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION, take this as notice in writing.
This is comically poor and tight fisted corporate behaviour, we’ve had easy cancellations for years now at the likes of Amazon and Netflix, why is your company special? Please point me to where in your FAQ and help pages the word “cancel” appears.