I installed AvastI Home Edition free software yesterday. During the installation I mistakenly ticked the box regarding Boot Scan on start-up. Now I’m having to wait 1/2 hr when I put my computer on, waiting for the scan to finish.
The first time it happened, I hit ‘Escape’ and the scan stopped, but subsequently it has failed to stop.
I have looked in the Settings on the interface but can’t seem to find any options to allow me to stop the Boot Scan.
What does “subsequently” mean? On subsequent reboots?
The boot-time scan should be performed only once (unless you schedule it again). Are you saying it didn’t? And it didn’t respond to Escape key on the next scans?
My OS is Windows XP. When I switched my computer on this morning the Boot Scan began - I hit ‘Escape’ and it stopped.
Later in the day I switched the computer off. When I returned to use it later, I switched the computer on and it began the Boot Scan - I hit the ‘Escape’ key, but it continued scanning; it took about 1/2 hr to complete the scan.
I realise I should not have ticked the box re. Boot Scan when installing the software - I am now trying to disable the Boot Scan completely. I prefer to scan my system during the day (in the background) rather than having to wait 1/2 every morning before I can use my PC.
The boot time check box should only apply to new installations. Once the computer has been rebooted and the scan ran, you need to schedule further boot scans.
Perhaps, since you didn’t let the initial scan complete, avast retained the option untill it was complete? That is the option isn’t cancelled until a boot scan is complete.
If you have time, a reboot should comfirm this one way or another.
Many thanks for your prompt replies; I will follow your instructions.
I also intending asking members of the forum their views on AVG Anti-Virus in comparison with Avast. I have used AVG for many years without any problems.
I uninstalled it and installed Avast because of a very good review on the Internet. Now I’m wondering whether I made the right choice - your views would be very much appreciated.
We are going to be a little biased, this being the avast forum ;D
There are many EX AVG AV users who are now happy avast users and I am one of them.
The avast AV is the most flexible and configurable I have used, it offers greater functionality in its providers to protect whilst using P2P, IM, web shield, etc. and one of the best functions is the boot-time scan that I haven’t seen in other AVs. I’m not talking about a limited scan whilst windows is booting but a full and configurable scan before windows boots.
I used to hate the AVG signature updates, if and when you could manage to get connected and the effective near zero support for the free version. Compare that with the vibrant avast support forum where response is very quick by comparison with any support forum.
I believe you have made the right choice and once you get over this hiccup you will see that.
You did a very good choice.
Better update servers, better configurability, same (or better) detection rate, best (much better) support, languages support, skins support… Want more? 8)
Thank you all so much for your very prompt advice. You all offer a very convincing argument for continuing with Avast. I will continue to use it and utilise this extremely helpful forum.