Just started using avast[FREE VERSION ] and when I start up my computer the systray icon revolves for quite some time and no other programs can be opened till it stops . What is it doing ? I have not set any scans that I know of. Is there anyway to stop this?
I would appreciate any advice as i am very happy with the rest of the program
Its checking to see if there are any updates to the program and virus definations. If there are it downloads and applies them. Avast is “always on” meaning it performs real time scanning. I’ve never had to schedule a virus scan…I imagine you could.
Hope it helps
Hi graesid!
Which is your operating system?
How fast is your processor?
Do you have any other security applications installed?
(Firewall, Antivirus, Antispyware,…)
If yes which one?
Or did you use anyone before avast!?
I use XP sp3 home
Intel core Duo -cpu 6400@2.23
1 GB Ram
I am running SAS Pro
Previously used Eset Nod 32 - which has been thouroghly uninstalled
Can I alter the situation that it does its checking as start up in the free version ??
Nod 32 never stopped e starting programs at the start up
you can try to deactivate the rootkit scan at startup and you can try to start the avast! services after other services…
you can reach the settings via rightclicking the avast-symbol in the taskbar → settings → troubleshooting page
do you notice any change if you tick the two checkboxes (or one of them)?
The rootkitscan at startup starts after 8 minutes and takes 3-4 seconds,
so I don’t think that will do any difference in this case.
Definitely try ticking the upper of the two checkboxes shown by onlysomeone: Delay loading of Avast services.
I have noticed with a brand new installation that it can take two or three restarts to totally “settle in” or bed down.
Post back after ticking that box, and maybe a couple of reboots.
So by elimination method only one of the two checkboxes is worth the try.
I have been experimenting with those options suggested with some success. Actually I now think SuperAnti Spyeware professional starting up at the same time is the main culprit in the slow start up so I think I will now experiment withthat . Maybe I do not need its Real Time Protection . Thanks to all for your suggestions we will see how I go . I guess it is not a major problem really .
Why don’t you post your startup list (as viewed in, say, msconfig,) and it’s quite possible there are some things you cold remove, or configure not to start with Windows. Might make a difference.
A real good program I’ve found to manage a delayed start of some items, is startup delayer.
Originally found on this forum.
Thanks, Tech!
You’re welcome