How do I turn off inews?

How do I turn off inews and other nagging popups? I can’t stand it. Now I have this orange box popping up telling me stuff I don’t care about. How do I turn these off permanantly?

I have seen the iNews pop-up once in I don’t recall how long, so I don’t know what is going on in your system.

What other nagging pop-ups ?

You can control a lot of avast!'s behavior by modifying the avast4.ini file. Instruction for how to locate it and many of the settings are here.

To prevent the news slider from popping up, go to the [Common] category in the .ini file and look for NewsUpdate; if it’s not there you can create it. The final entry should look like this, NewsUpdate=Manual. There’s an option in the Menu list to check for news, you can always go there at your convenience when you want news.

The news splash screen can also be disabled. [Splash] iNews_Days=0. As before, if the entry’s not already there you can create it and it should work.

Thanks so much for this info!!

I just upgraded to a new program version/iavs and find myself assaulted by this annoyance as well. If it was not possible to disable this I would be uninstalling Avast permanently. I don’t understand how companies can add this type of crap and not think it will annoy (most) people.

Thankfully AVAST at least gives us an ability to disable this type of thing and a forum like this to learn how to do it. Thank you AVAST :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how this is such a big deal…As DavidR said, this happens very little, and all it is is just to tell you about a milestone that has been reached. (and a competition…). I definitely wouldn’t call it crap…

I saw the orange popup, and found it interesting, seeing as there aren’t many of them.

Ok, so ALWIL do have a little buying incentive on the page it takes you to, but who can blame them? They want to make money after all.

(add to that, the fact that IMHO avast! is under-advertised compared to others…and there are relatively few popups compared to certain others…)

I wouldn’t call it crap either, it’s avast! news and worthy of respect. But it’s nice to know there’s an option. Some people may like the reminders but others, like myself, prefer to look up the news on their own time and at their convenience.

I’m all for the option to turn it off, I just don’t get how it annoys people so much…

It’s not strictly avast!; overall avast! isn’t that bad about nagging really. For me it’s the cumulative bombardment of messages in the environment telling you to do this or read that. After a while it gets to the point where all you want to do is shut it off. ;D