I was wondering if a virus disabled me to search correctly (Like if you type in hXXp://www.avast.com, you get redirected to hXXp://www.Viruskillerpro.com/search=“hXXp://www.avast.com/”), Avast! woulden’t update. So is it required to know the code to update by command propit? If so, how do I and will the virus redirect that too? If so, how do I get it to update?
Is there something you’re not telling us, Donovansrb10?
Seriously, I don’t know. But I’d try scanning with an installed demand scanner to locate and eliminate the browser hijack, if possible.
Why would you type in the full URL into a search, what is the purpose in that ?
Surely you should simply search avast or avast.com to see what results are brought up, what is your primary search engine, e.g. what is set-up in your browser ?
A search for viruskillerpro.com returns only 8 hits on a google search so it is very well known NOT. The site is a bit of a joke almost work in progress, with empty sections, but nothing much there no alerts.
Program update:
“path to\ashUpd.exe” program /silent /nodetails
Virus database update:
“path to\ashUpd.exe” vps /silent /nodetails