I connect through Comcast Cable
At home I connect through DSL using DHCP, dynamic IP. While traveling I use whatever is handy, via wireless. Thus I need to deal with a variety of network issues, including unknown routers and other computers on the network. And, of course, switching networks frequently. But these are mostly firewall issues, not AV issues, so Avast! works well for all of these.
Dsl modem (at least I think it is), with secured wireless for my iPod
Telegraph Bob !. That’s all we have here in Gallup !!!, along side good old Rout 66. 8)
Cox Cable & WiFi away from home. I have a free dial up account (ten hours a month) if I can’t get connected otherwise.
Cable. When that is out, semaphore, morse or smoke signals.
Dial-up with Proxyconn accelerator.
When Comcast is down ( Hardly ever) MySharedFiles remains connected via osmosis…
If that doesn’t work, smoke signals get sent to all those connected letting them know that their download
failed… and I start driving down Rt 66 and deliver them in person.
I connect through DSL (128 kB/s).
I also connect through DSL
ADSL2+ router, speed-256Kbps(31.25KB/S). by AirTel
I’ve a slow ADSL connection, 256Kbps down speed (about 30KBps) with unlimited traffic per month
see attached picture for more detail!
DSL cable with 384 kbp/s speed
Mine is LAN from a DSL server^^
About 200kbps^^
I have very, very slow dial-up through AT&T
I switched from dialup to DSL about 2 years ago, stayed with the same ISP (Execulink/Golden Triangle) mainly because I’d had 10 years excellent experience with their top-notch tech support and customer service. Plus their HQ is right here in town, in cases when it’s easier to deal with someone over the counter rather than by phone.
I did shop around for other options … cable got quickly rejected because not only is the cable company’s customer service atrocious (that seems to be almost universally true all over N. America), but they seem to employ ignorant sales people. I had to speak to 8 different tech reps there about a fairly simple question (whether or not they offered dynamic IP) before I even found one who understood what I meant.
Router Cable
dsl from at&t, 6.0 extreme which includes a backup 20 hour dialup connection.
The last couple of years I have connected through my cellphones as modems. (Nokia N95):
I have HSDPA coverage, which gives me between 1000 Kbps and 3000 Kbps(rare) downspeed and 350 Kbps upsteam with unlimited traffic per month.
In 8 years before that I was on V90(V92) dialup with 40-50 Kbps down and 30 Kbps up.