How do you get a hold of support?

How do you get a hold of support? Email? Phone? I already tried to submit a ticket… It’s been two weeks and no reply of any kind…

I would suggest you start here.

I have the same question! Is your blank page answer your opinion, or are we “out of luck” with our purchase and you’re just confirming it?
I bought version5 and now XP can’t connect most of the time to the internet?
Any ideas, anyone?

GR (and others), I suggest continuing the topic under GR’s more specific thread, here.

I did file a report and will see what reply i get from tech support.
The version of Avast i purchased on line 2 days ago is avast! Internet Security 5.0 for 3 computers, for 2 years. i don’t have the exact updated version it installed, but it’s the latest. I do have Ad-Aware installed but it’s not been used for some time. Nothing else as far as virus/spam etc utility’s. I’m back running the free version 5 and it’s on the xp computer I’m using to write this. Wireless g and solid connection every time. I did use the Avast uninstall utility before i reinstalled the new version and that too made no difference, still no connections to the internet most tries. I did have a few connections, but after selecting several pages, I got ‘IE 8 Can’t connect" type message. My wireless connection still showed 54 MBS excelante connection! The repair internet connection in XP said all is well. I uninsulated the avast Internet Security 5.0 Retail and reinstalled and registered the free version and it worked right off!
When running the retail v5 Avast i did try and find anything in the menus that would block internet connections, but after a lot of tries I gave up. Should it take a IT degree to make a retail program work when the free one just does it right off? Should there be more info in the "FAQ’S’ about firewall settings etc if it is more critical?
This is all I know and have tried. I hope I just overlooked something and this will all be in the past. $60 to run the free version is not a bargain if it comes to that.
Please help

It won’t come to that, I’m fairly certain.
I don’t use the AIS; only the free version (which is at 5.0.507) so have no idea what the firewall component may be blocking. I can’t see it’s likely that AdAware could be causing this, but it may be worthwhile uninstalling it to see if it helps.

I still suspect a firewall issue. I don’t know why else the free version would work but not the AIS.
Someone with better knowledge than me (there are lots, here) will no doubt post soon to help you out.

Some firewall issues were fixed in the latest build:

Btw, AdAware did indeed mean trouble to different users…