Howdy Guys, I for some reason can not find the setting to remove my signature from my profile, I tried to PM one of the team members and it said I don’t have permission.
Is members not allowed to contact Admins and moderators?
Howdy Guys, I for some reason can not find the setting to remove my signature from my profile, I tried to PM one of the team members and it said I don’t have permission.
Is members not allowed to contact Admins and moderators?
Hmmm… You’re not supposed to have a signature as you can only edit it if you have 20 posts.
Then how did that signature get there?
And why can’t I PM Admins and Mods?
I don’t know.
Because you don’t have 20 posts yet. It’s an antispam measure.
That is really stupid, I have been a member of this forum since 2006. I don’t post much but do read. If I was a spammer, then I would have already sent spam by now.
I guess I will make another 5 posts just to remove that signature and be able to contact the team members.
Maybe at one time I did have 20 posts and when they upgraded the forum some of my posts got lost.
I have never seen a forum that doesn’t allow you to contact team members in case there is a problem, yet other members can PM me? Instead you have to waste forum threads to report errors. That most certainly needs to be changed.
But you did contact a team member … or rather, one responded to your post.
Look above Tech’s avatar on the left of his posts.
“An Error Has Occurred!
You are not allowed to access this section”
This is what I get when I do that.
So there is no way I can contact a team member that way, all I can do is make a post and hope one will respond.
One more post and you’ll have 20!
Ok, here is my 20th post, but I do believe that some of my posts got lost when the forum was upgraded because those signatures were from 2006. I had to have 20 posts before in order to add them.
Good day.
Not in 2006, this was introduced later.
Well I can tell you that those old signatures were from my websites back in 2005, those sites have been gone for 6 years since 2006 right after I registered as a member, I closed those websites. How would they get on my profile? I sure wouldn’t have added websites that no longer existed as my signature. I used to post more often on the old forum, I believe it was a light blue theme back then.
Very strange.
Now you have over 20 posts, click the Profile button in the Menu bar at the top of every forum page. IN the section, Modify Profile, select the ‘Forum Profile’ and scroll down to the ‘Signature’ window, edit it and click on the ‘Change Profile’ button.
Thanks to all for your help, I already got my signature edited.
Good day and be free!!