How does avast handle QualityCompat regkey in the light of Meltdown & Spectre?

More cyber-incidents in my country, the Netherlands, as there are bikes being stolen!

Trust is a hard to term to come by in the full surveillance world of to-day. ::slight_smile:

Now also hardware support issues with some AV vendors.


Avast has fixed this. We are being protected. :wink:


Fixed but still having issues receiving the MS update.
Avast is working with MS and they aren’t th only ones having problems receiving the update

Hi bob3160,

Well the fear is really with the hosting- and cloud-providers to keep us all safe.
they have severe problems with this and https-only cookies, minding the same origin policy for domains,
no-sniff measurements and specific headers etc. to mitigate the involved risks.

The common user may not even feel the difference in performance
(a mere 1% slowth of the chip workings or not even in that range)
Still it is a drag that comes back hunting us fifteen years later as the design flaw was produced.

And that is bad, and what else threat is luring in the pipeline from the Silicon Valley front
to haunt our poor tech-user community.

Particularly an issue that should not be hyped.

It is not that bad as in James Bond’s Spectre movie :wink: believe me,
