How does one find threads you started?

I guess I’m not seeing something, but I can see any way to find threads I started or posts I’ve made on the Avast! Free/Pro/Suite forum. HELP indicates there’s an “advanced” search, but that, too, doesn’t show on my screen. Is that because I use Avast! FREE; that more features are available to those who bought Pro?

At the top of the forum page…click “profile”>click “show posts”. :slight_smile:

edit: Or click on your user name>click “show posts”. :slight_smile:

Or… if you look down the left of the forums at the little folder, those you have posted in have a small square smiley face at the bottom of it.

If your reason for finding these posts is to see if you have received any replies - No need to go anywhere, once you have logged in to the forums at the top of every page there is a ‘Show new replies to your posts.’ link. Clicking that brings up a list of topics that you either created or posted in, which have had replies.