… and I have another problem. When I try to scan any file (for example, in the Desktop), the scan of the specific file start, but run too fast, AND DOESN´T APPEAR ANY REPORT ABOUT THE SCAN OF THE FILE …
( Too,I wish to scan all kind of files = EXE, COM, RAR,ZIP,MP3, MPEG,AVI,… )
I believe you mean the on-demand scan using the Simple User Interface.
Start by right clicking the avast ‘a’ icon, select Start avast! Antivirus, there will be a short memory scan and then the Simple User Interface (SUI) will open. That is where you do on-demand scans from, see the avast Help file, from the Menu in the SUI or right click in the middle of the SUI skin and select Help or click the F1 key for more information on the SUI.