How Long Can I set Alert Popups to Last ?


Info and updates pop-ups should stay at 20 seconds or even less, but if I change alerts or warning pop-ups more than 180 seconds the digits change to red. Does that means it is not allowed ? I would like to change them to at least 5 min since with the new sandbox, even if it is set to ask, if I miss an alert I imagine that the default action is to automatically sandboxed the file so I would not like to miss an alert.

Thank you.

I got mine set to 6 days 3 hours 52 minutes and 5 seconds, works fine :slight_smile:

Not mine. Maybe this was solved (?) in the beta version?

If you set it to Ask, as far as I’m concerned it is awaiting input (so it shouldn’t close); this isn’t in the same category as automated notifications were no action/input is required and the pop-up would close after the set duration.

That is obviously my thoughts and apparent alert pop-up action, not necessarily correct.

I don’t know if there is a limit, but most people are going in the other direction, for me I have alert pop-up duration at 10 seconds. I have all my shield actions set To ask as the first action and I have never seen the alert pop-up disappear until I choose the action to take.

You don’t recognise sarcasm, as I rather doubt Logos has it set to this duration. Or will wait this long to test that it works fine ;D

I do recognize. It’s quite obvious.
I was answering iroc9555.

off topic >> :smiley: :smiley:

Problem being Logos post got in there before yours,so it looked like you were responding to his post, not so obvious.

Ha Ha

Only for you.
Read my answer. I couldn’t be answering Logos. It’s quite obvious.

Sorry but I did read it and it could just as easily be attributed to Logos post, not obvious or I wouldn’t have posted what I did would I.

It wasn’t my intention to be rude. Sorry.

Boys, please …

Greetz, Red.


Ha, ha. ;D I want to set it up to the year 2012 to wait to see if the Aztecs were right. :stuck_out_tongue:


Your answer makes sense. Should not go away if waiting for a command. Still when changing the time for the popups the digits turn red over 180 seconds.

The thing is that I am called off my desk quite often and don’t want to miss an alert.

Thank you all for your replies and Logos, we’ll talk in the year 2012

I haven’t yet seen a program-update-available popup since upgrading to 6 (which makes sense, although I imagine I should be seeing something for that new pre-release any time now). But back in the “old days” (5.1? 5.0? 4.8?), if you used the default “ask” setting for program updates, the popup did not stay up awaiting your action.

Keep in mind you always have that “show last popup” available (in the tooltray-icon menu) … don’t know if it’s still the case in v.6, but the “update now” link in that used to work just as if you were looking at the original popup.

Thank you for remind me about it. I had forgotten it completely.