how long we should do a scan for our computers by Avast ?

Hello, Tech,

I have a question that how long we should do a scan for our computers by Avast ? Everyday, three days, or one week ?

What is your opinion?

Thanks for your help.


well it depends on the use of your computers…if you use the internet very often and download stuff then one scan per week is ok…also it would be nice to have an anti-spyware program to scan per 2-3 days…i suggest u spybot search&destroy(…u can find others at

as i said it depends on how u use ur pc… :wink:

I also like the once a week full scan, I also throw in a boot scan…(thank you avast!)…once every
3 or four weeks, depending on my time on the net.

However, to minimize troubles I also scan ANY file that I download before I use it.
It takes just a moment, but can save you from any surprises.
Another decent malware scanner is Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware Scanner.

Whatever programs you use just remember to keep them up to date. ;D

The resident on-access scanners lessen the need for on-demand scans, but I still do a weekly Standard scan without Archives selected.

If you use avast (with WebShield and Standard Shield on) as resident, if you scan your downloaded files (maybe with ashquick.exe into your download manager), I’ll suggest a monthly scanning.

Hi, DavidR,

G’ day!

Yes. Before I ask this question, I usually do a weekly Standard scan. But with the Archives selected.

Why do you do the weekly Standard scan without selecting the Archives? Is there a special reason?


Because they aren’t dangerous when nicely zipped up.

Archive (zip, rar, etc.) files are by their nature are inert, you need to extract the files and then you have to run them to be a threat. Long before that happens avast’s Standard Shield should have scanned them and before an executable is run that is scanned.

I think it’s better a monthly thorough scanning (archives also).
It will detect the inert, but hidden files.
The standard scan is not useful, imho, if you have the resident always on.

Hi, Tech.


Yep. I use Avast as resident. And I have another quesiton, when we should run a Boot-time Scan ? What is the purpose of this one?


When the normal scanning into Windows fails for any reason.
When you can’t delete/move to Chest the infected file because it is in use.
The most useful thing of boot time scanning is handling used files because it’s run even before Windows loads.

Yes, it is reasonable !


Hi, Tech.

Do you think we should do a scan in Safe Mode. I always hear someone say that they scan their computer with Safe Mode. Why and do you think it is needed ?

Hi, Tech,

It seems the Boot-time Scan is more useful and better than the Through Scan. So I guess if it is necessary, I mean, if we have some more time, may be it is better to do a Boot-time Scan monthly than a Through Scan, right?


boot-time scan and thorough scan is almost the same…the only difference is that boot-time scan is runnig b4 windows start…its needed when ure already infected and u cant delete the threat by doing the normal scan(standard or thorough)…a thorough scan with archives enabled per month is enough… :wink:

It’s the middle of the normal scan (into Windows) and the boot time.
I think there is no advantage then the boot time scanning (a feature that only avast has…).

I don’t think so. It’s for emergencies, infected computers.
Scanning into Windows is ok for the regular maintenance of the computer (you can evenly use the computer while the scanning is running in background, you have a graphical interface, etc.).

Thank you, Tech. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :wink: