How long you are using avast! ?

Just interested, how long are others using avast! protection. I am with it almost 3 years. :wink:

PS. Very interesting… Seems I have some kind of “black hole” between my first registration and the second key generated, as it’s more than 12 months ;D ;D ;D Yes, now I remember! It was I time I bought new computer. ;D ;D These months I lived without computer :o ;D

I’ve been using it for just 14 months, 14 happy months. :slight_smile: :wink: ;D

I started using avast in April 2004 and registered on the forums on 7 May 2004.

Hi Yalp,

Since I joined this forum as soon as I started using avast!, I guess you outrank me by a few month. :slight_smile:

I’ve been using avast! since August 2004 and registered here in October 2004 8)

i’m using avast for 6months and i’m very satisfied…i have used many AV programs…Free and commercial ones but none of them was so effective and system memory-free AND free of charge as AVAST is…AVAST rules… :wink:

I’ve got a very fuzzy sense (or lack of) of how long since whatever, but that “Date registered” is probably a good indicator – I probably joined here right after getting avast, for support purposes. Late Nov. 2003, in my case.

Actually, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I’d been using avast long before that, on my previous system. Does “Avast 95” ring a bell with any old-timers? I think the forums here didn’t even exist yet, or maybe I just hadn’t yet discovered the marvels of online support.


Does "Avast 95" ring a bell with any old-timers?
You expect us to rack our brains? Isn't breathing strenuous enough ;D

as best as I can figure out, since February or March 2003

Very late in the night… changing from Norton to avast! ;D
Wow… that was a long night in 2003 8)

November 2003, when the “free trial” of PCCillin that came with my significant others computer expired and her browser was hijacked. I read some online reviews and made the jump. I have been safe and secure ever since. I have installed Avast! on at least two dozen other computers now and no one has reported a problem to me. I came to this forum just prior to Bob3160 posting his 1000th post.

Since August 2005. :slight_smile:

Once a Nortons (as bad as a virus) User ::slight_smile:
Saw the light around October 2004

I’ve been using avast! since February '05, but didn’t register on the forum until December '05.

It was in 2005, well, actually, I don’t remember when it was more specifically, you can loock in my profile.
But so far had no problems. So it’s great antivirus, great team & best of all – it’s a great comumity! :slight_smile:

I have no idea, I registered on the forum in Feb 2005 when I had a problem with webshield and ZA. I think I had Avast for at least a year or 2 before that but can’t be sure. The memory starts to go at my age 8)

I was using Avast for about 1.5 years.

Now though since avast updates lately caused me reboots, no idea why, I have changed to Antivir. I might come back soon :wink:
Might be just my ailing computer.

Avast has a nice friendly forum, though myself never needed much help from anyone except from igor’s replies and i am forever thankfull to him.

Now though since avast updates lately caused me reboots
Are you sure that the reboots weren't needed because of a program update ?

Operating system restart needed by avast message could be solved, in some systems, by deleting the file \setup\reboot.txt

If deleting reboot.txt doesn’t stop the requests for reboot check this:
Check this registry entry (right after computer restart):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, if it contains “PendingFileRenameOperations”.
Check its contents and if there’s only “reboot.txt” from avast4\setup folder, delete PendingFileRenameOperations, don’t delete any other key.
Back-up (export) the registry key before you edit/delete, just in case.

Not sure what the problem with your shutdown might be (does this happen every time?), there could be something running that isn’t ending correctly. Hopefully something may be in the windows event logs.

Igor said:

[i]The virus database updates normally don’t require computer restart. However, in very special cases, a virus database update might actually include a program update as well (in which case, the computer restart would indeed be required). I believe it was your case.

I should probably explain what “in very special cases mean”. Some time ago, we have found some limits (you can call it “bugs”) in avast! code which would make avast! stop working when the number of records in virus database reaches specific number (well, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but it doesn’t really matter now). We fixed the problems, of course, and included the fix in one of the program updates.
Right now, we are very close to this “limit” (regarding the number of viruses). Even though the fixed version of the program has been available for quite some time now, however, there are still quite a lot of users who use older versions; so, we can either stop adding new viruses (which wouldn’t be very wise), or somehow make the users of old avast! versions - that are still out there - to update to the fixed one. So, that’s what happening right now… some of the old versions were updated during an ordinary virus database update.

Hope this explains it.[/i]

I started using it about a week before i joined the forum