How our pc got hacked?

I’ve been wondering this when the first time my pc got hacked can someone explain to me please^^?

Cant really determine the cause of hacks if theres no sufficient data available^^

Some of the causes:

Keylogger, Trojans, Backdoors, other malwares, firewall breakthroughs…and many others^^


Whoa so much man then that mean better keep our computer clean!

Thats why antimalwares, antiviruses, antispywares, firewalls exist…^^

Its their job to prevent attacks from malicious people^^

Good thing avast! here is on our side^^


you’re seriously expecting answers with such a question…no detail on how it happened - if it ever did - nothing…you’re polluting the forums shiw liang you know that ::slight_smile:

here maybe you can found how to ensure your security:
most common hacking ways:HOW THEY HACK
1.backdoors:so scan your pc with more than scanner to get rid of them
2.Vulnerabilities:so be sure that your system updated not only windows but also programs like mdia players,pdf readers,developer tools…

Hi superhacker,

Only on machines you own, and even then it is not in all circles regarded upon as it was in the old days like in other forms of “improving” like for instance resource hacking.
In the old days people could take things apart like motorcycle engines to learn the inner workings. To-day they might be in violation of licences and copyrights, you can’t even touch a doorstopper. What turned people into g33ks in the old days, could now land them in jail or cost them their Internet connection,
