how safe are password kept by google browser


How secure is Chrome for keeping password in the safe zone?

It would be nice to be able to use a Notepad or EditPlus in the safe zone.

How can I reach my references when I am in the safe zone?
Now, I am using the clip board to paste some information in the browser… A bit primitive way to go.
Thanks for your attention,


Your Browser’s Giving Away Your Password

Can You Trust Your Browser With Your Passwords?

Use LastPass…Its all you will ever need.

You can get Lastpass from here:

So the safe zone is not safe if the browser IN thwe safe zone is not safe.


Actually it’s that the browser running in SafeZone that needs to be kept safe which is why you can’t use add-ons to that browser.

Thanks for your attention
Actually I was meaning: why cant I use notepad in the safe zone for example.