How Secure are we online

First of, I would like to say my greetings to this website. I am glad such this product and service exist :slight_smile:

Well, the reason why I am here is that I’ve been recieving some suspicious network activity lately in my PC and it’s bodering me.

I know basic principles about how things go from my laptop to the internet and I understand that one system might be vulnerable from attacks.

As I said earlier, I’ve been recieving suspicious network activity on my laptop esp from this ip:

I am afraid that my network activity is logged and I know you understand how unpleasant it is when somebody starts messing with ones privacy. I remember once that my old facebook hacked and I am trying to put some defense so it wont happen again.

Thanks for reading this and I’ll be happy if you will drop a response. Thanks :slight_smile:

Eddy that listing is from 2012, more recent here confirms AnchorFree Proxy server

It was listed here:
Abusing IP Addresses from the same C block
IP Address Abuse Complaints spam: 1 complaints malware: 1 complaints

This is an interesting read on that hoster (rat activity via skype reported):
So you should go barking at the EGIHosting abuse tree :wink:
