How strong is Avast! self-defense

Is Avast! self-defense as effective as Agnitum Outpost self-protection?

There is no comparison as they are doing different things.

e.g. what does it matter, avast doesn’t care about Outpost and Outpost doesn’t care about avast. They only protect themselves.

I simply wanted a knowledgeable opinion on how resistant Avast! is to malware attacks on its integrity.

not sure at all if Avast is really protected against process termination … I don’t think so … it was admitted when V5 was introduced that the self defense module could be bypassed more or less easily … see it more as a parental lock than anything else :wink:

Actually that’s not true. It has anti-termination protection, but once malware gains the same escalation level, it can do anything. That’s why avast! staff was saying that it’s not 100% termination proof. But no one ever said it’s easy to terminate it.

oh ;D

Then essentially the question should have been that alone as introducing the Outpost self-protection into the equation just clouds the question as for the most part people aren’t going to be using both programs.

I have the Outpost Self-protection, but in all honesty I don’t know just how strong it is.

For sure kernel mode stuff will get past all self-protection as that has pretty much the power to do what it wants if it manages to get loaded.