How to add a lot of websites to Avast web shield

Avast web shield works great but I want to add spyware blaster restricted list(the websites are currently in my internet explorer restricted list) to Avast custom url blocking. Is there any easy way to do this since there are lot of websites.

No, there isn’t such a way.
The WebShield URL blocking is thought to be used for few sites. A long list will decrease your browser performance. Remember that avast is not a firewall, just an antivirus.

Apart from the fact you can’t do it as Tech mentioned.

Why would you even want to do that when as you have said spywareblaster already does that, stop the browser going to the suspect/bad/blocked sites.

You could also add the list to the HOSTS file as another option and I wouldn’t personally do that either.

Neither do I. Some people relates speed browsing decreasing.

Yes xp can have an issue if the hosts list gets too big. The advantage of using the hosts file is it’s 2 way blocking.

"Editors Note: in most cases a large HOSTS file (over 135 kb) tends to slow down the machine. This only occurs in W2000/XP/Vista. Windows 98 and ME are not affected.

To resolve this issue (manually) open the “Services Editor”

Start | Run (type) “services.msc” (no quotes)
Scroll down to “DNS Client”, Right-click and select: Properties
Click the drop-down arrow for “Startup type”
Select: Manual, or Disabled (recommended) click Apply/Ok and restart"

full description of hosts here

If an user disable DNS client, what will resolve names in his computer? I mean, won’t the connection fail due to absence of DNS?

Not according to the article.

“When set to Manual you can see that the above “Service” is not needed (after a little browsing) by opening the Services Editor again, scroll down to DNS Client and check the “Status” column. It should be blank, if it was needed it would show “Started” in that column. There are several Utilities that can reset the DNS Client for you …”

For instance…

The article in the link refers to using a batch file with a link to the batch files. Read the article, click the more info link.

It also says don’t do this on a machine that is part of a domain.

Ok, I was expecting something like…
C:\Windows\system32\ipconfig /flushdns

My DNS Client service is Set at Manual and 'isn’t started and I don’t have any issues.

I use my firewall to cache DNS IPs and I also have my connection set-up to use Open DNS’s servers.