how to add additional licenses to avast sbs edition

I have purchased 10 or so licenses around October of 08 and I have just added another 3 computers to my network. What is the proper way to add 3 additional licenses to this computers. And is their a way to find out how my licenses you bought and how many are being used by looking at the admn console app.

Thanks for any help.

Do you use the ADNM Console?

If so, you can use the AMS Maintenance tool to load license.dat files and see what you have purchased so far.

Other than that, I can only think to look up your original invoice to see how many you purchased, count how many machines that you have, and then buy more for them.

Thanks scythe944

I have 12 licenses and I added 3 computers to my network…how can I just buy 3 more licenses from avast…or do I have to buy 5 more licenses with the full program like I did the first time???

I’m pretty sure that you can buy individual licenses, but I’d check with sales first.

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