How to add exemptions via adnm?


I am working within the trial for ADNM and im trying to figure out how to add an exemption via the ADNM. Is this possible? Is there a way to restore files that have been moved to the chest remotely?


NVM, I think I found it in:

Task → Client-side tasks → On-access scanning task → Default Resident Task (click right → Properties —> Standard Shield → Advanced)

Is there a way to restore files that have been moved to the chest remotely?

I’ve never done it, never had to. But if you right-click the computer in question, and click “connect to virus chest” or whatever, it should bring up the virus chest for that specific computer. I’ve only had to delete files from there, but restoration should be possible as well.

Yes, you can connect to remote chest and restore acquired file.
In case of false positive detection you can restore (all) files that have been previously moved to chest (in case that signature of file was moved from VPS) via supplemental tasks (see item bellow installation tasks)
This task was typically used when Avast removed “potentially unwanted software” like VNC from all managed clients and you want to restore it…

Avast removed VNC? hmm… I’ve had VNC installed on many machines in my networks before, avast never tried to remove that.

I’m not saying that you’re wrong or accusing you, I’m just trying to figure out if avast actually did that or not.

Anyway, yes, you should be able to connect to remote virus chests and restore files if you want.

If you can’t, you need to modify the computer group properties to allow remote access to the virus chest’s. I don’t believe it’s enabled by default.

Yes, TightVNC was removed from all my managed clients during half an hour… :slight_smile: But not now, maybe two (or more) years ago… when virus analytics decided to detect it as malware… :slight_smile: But I called to support immediately and detection was quickly removed. When this situation repeated some months later, we asked for function how to restore files from all chest via client task. And I remember more… once was similar problem with program from Adobe (maybe part of Reader) So now, in such situation, we have the way how to turn back on whole managed clients en block. And I think that this function is relatively unique. I did not hear about it in other AV products, I interested in (but situation may be changed).