How to allow a program?

Hey, I got avast, but I cant seem to find how to let it allow certain programmes, for example it seems to be denying me access to msn and itunes, but the strange thing is, this even persists after shutting down Avast

If anyone could help, I wouold be extremely grateful

Welcome to the forums Stoneman6666,

Since the problem persists even after disabling avast!, it is probably caused by a malware. By the way, is there any message stating that an application is denied of access? Please post it if possible.

Thank you for the warm welcome :slight_smile:

I have previously done a deep scan multiple times for malware and the likes and gotten rid of all possible threats.
When would this message pop up?

report it as a false postive what file is it

How do I go about doing that?

You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner and report the findings here the URL in the Address bar of the VT results page. You can’t do this with the file securely in the chest, you need to extract it to a temporary (not original) location first, see below.

Create a folder called Suspect in the [b]C:[/b] drive. Now exclude that folder in the File System Shield, Expert Settings, Exclusions, Add, type (or copy and paste) C:\Suspect*
That will stop the File System Shield scanning any file you put in that folder.

If only GData and avast detect it - GData uses avast as one of its two scanners so counts as 1 detection and almost certainly an FP.
Send the sample to avast as a False Positive:
Open the chest and right click on the file and select ‘Submit to virus lab…’ complete the form and submit, the file will be uploaded during the next update.