How to allow PUP (Potentially unwanted programs) in Avast Free?

Avast is detecting a program that is says is PUP but I want to allow it to run, not move it to the chest. How can I do this? Thanks, Graig

Go into the settings for the file system shield and then to actions. Click on the PUP tab and change the first action from Move to chest to Ask. Then you will be able to do whatever you want with anything that gets detected as a PUP.

You can also make an exclusion into File Shield for this particular file.
By the way, which is it?

The file in question is C:\HP\Bin\EndProcess.exe It is on my wife’s computer and has to do with HP Udate I believe.

That file has also been detected by Avira as a PUP but was confirmed to be a false positive. Nobody seems to know what it actually does but it isn’t a threat. You can do as Tech said or as I did, either one will work. If it comes up with the fileshield set to ask for PUP’s, there should be an option to let it run and to remember the answer or add it to exclusions in the future.

It is a legitimate file in this location, part of the HP restoration function, assuming of course that you have an HP system ?

Having said that, this file is to all intents and purposes dormant unless you actually run an HP restore (which would turn back your system to when it left the factory). So this to me means this was detected on an on-demand scan ?

If so it also means that you modified the scan settings or you created a custom scan, were you had it scan for PUPs as by default the on-demand scan doesn’t check for PUPs ?

i would simply add it to the exclusion list as tech said then it will let it run without issue.