1.I have a minimum config of AVAST. It does not include web rep and others. Sometimes I find some " decent" sites blocked by AVAST. Suppose I am sure that the site is OK , how do I get it to allow it…
If the developers are reading this… Kindly ensure the alert of disallowing the site should be displayed 100/100 times an attempt to reach a site (believed as infected by AVAST) is attempted. Presently it displays it for the first time ,next time there is no alert and the user would not know for sure it is AVAST which is doing it. I am sure there is no extra resources involved in displaying an alert…
The best thing to do is to report the false positive, so that it can be fixed.
That’s by design - the thing is that some browsers automatically attempt to retry (a few times) once the connection is blocked, and we don’t want to suddenly display a number of popups just for one user’s “connection”.
ThankU for the replies.
1.But sometimes reporting and getting the false positives fixed might take some time. A feature to add an exception will be welcome. Since always the file guard is active which would prevent any infection. Preventive (not confirmed) actions should always have some leeway.
What if I do not mind that repeated popups. I would tell the browser to stay away from the site. Imagine if someone missed that alert , he would not have a clue as to why the site is not opening up. In matters as this it is the user who needs to be informed properly. You cannot generalise a single popup behavior to some weird browsers. No standard browsers like IE , Firefox or chrome repeatedly tries for any site connection.
the pop up warning will appear in the middle of Your screen and stay there for some time so should be difficult to miss...
Yes not coming for an argument..It could be possible that a user switches to another window right at the time and comes back after a while..If the precincts are built on a view that browsers keep loading a page again and again on their own ..well that might not be true in general cases..