Currently I have the free Avast! version 12.3.2280 build 12.3.3154.23 installed and would like to install the newest Avast free.
What is the best way to install the newest Avast build? Can I do an update from within Avast! or uninstall the above version I have first and then clean install the latest one? I do prefer to do the update rather than uninstall and then install the latest.
If I need to uninstall my current version I would need the uninstall tool? and then install the newest version and where do I find it?
Currently I have only the FILE and WEB shields installed and like to keep it that way in the new version.
Question is therefore. If I do a program update from the update inside Avast (which I prefer) will I only get these 2 shields or do I get the whole salad?
Question is therefore. If I do a program update from the update inside Avast (which I prefer) will I only get these 2 shields or do I get the whole salad?
Try and find out ... if you get a option to custom install use that, if not fix it later
Just updated from within Avast to the latest version and now I have AVAST INTERNET SECURITY!!! with a firewall & free trial? So it doesn’t seem to be the free version? If that is the case: DUH!!!
Is this the only version out there and where is the free version? Where do I fix this?
So I uninstalled the Avast Internet Security that was offered to me via the program update with the Avast Clear program in Safe Mode.
Then downloaded the free version off of the internet. All seems to be okay now. keeping fingers crossed.
I do find it abhorrent that Avast offered (via the internal Avast! program update) the PAID Internet Security to an unsuspecting Avast Free user WITHOUT A NOTIFICATION that it was a paid version.
PS: The installation of the Paid Internet Security was without an option to select the free one. I still am steaming MAD!!