How to block another user?

Like the subject says, how can I block another user? Most forums have the ability but I can’t seem to figure it out here.


Go to Profile - Buddies/Ignore List, click on ignore list and add the user your wishing to never hear from :slight_smile: im not to sure wheather that option is available though until you have 20 posts ???

If it’s not possible, simply ask that person to stop sending you Person Messages.
If that doesn’t stop it, let us know we’ll get it to the Mods.

Thank you. I think you may be correct about the 20 posts because I do not have access to the Buddies/Ignore List.

Don’t post uselly just to increase your post count.

Then just shoot me please.

Cant shoot you as that would be against the law :slight_smile: but three of your posts have just been shot down due to obvious post building as they were un-needed single phrase replies in topics you were not involved in, this is frowned upon and there is no rush to get there as the forum will still be here tomorrow and the next day etc.

No, it’s against the forum rules ;D
Post usefully and you’ll get there :wink: