How to block SMS that dont show numbers

How do I block/Filter SMS that do not display me any number? I am from India and I receive lot of SMS that do not display any number instead they show text like “TD041091” or “DM040070” or “DM080013”. The provided filter/block field in Avast do not accept text but accepts only numbers. Can I Block/Filter SMS from my SMS history/log?


did you try the “all hidden numbers” and “all unknown numbers” options?


No I have not tried that option but let me try it and post back the result again in couple of days. Thanks for your help.

@Filip Havlicek Tnaks for you suggestion. It worked. It blocked all the SMS that had “hidden numbers” and “unknown numbers”. However it also blocked couple of genuine SMS. Example: The ISP’s monthly bill SMS, BANK alert SMS. I have couple of Bank SMS in inbox, using those I stored their numbers in contacts so that they will not be treated under “unknown numbers”. However now, how do I unblock ISP’s SMS? In the log I see his SMS but don’t know how to move it to Inbox? so that I can put his details in contacts.


I’m afraid that’s currently not possible. You will have to remove the hidden/unknown numbers from the group and wait for your ISP to send you a message.
