How to block third party webbugs

Hi dear malware fighters,

Anyone of you have a Yahoo account, do you know they use webbeacons (euphemistic for webbugs) to track all your activities inside and outside the Yahoo Network. You have the possibility to opt out, but all third parties involved, like Claria etc. there you have to opt-out separately. Here is there list:

So adjust your hosts file accordingly: localhost, localhost.iocaldomain, broadcasthost, ::1 localhost This will prevent your browser from downloading banner ads, or sending your private information back to a company. Did you know it is not too hard to build a webbug to put into your avatar, and then it reports back to you. I do not feel the need, I rather read your comments here. Those want more info: go here:
I am glad that I have Adblock installed, and I do not feel sorry for the advertisers that have the “Do not Adblock me” logo on their sites. Didn’t they bring this down on themselves a bit.
Always a bad thing that the good blokes have to suffer for the things the scumbags do.



PS I like to go back to the days before spam and webbeacons came in, and also before there were pop-ups and - unders.

Well, this is not too hard to figure out. On the browser/s I use, I have the option of setting up my browser so it doesn’t accept third party cookies. That sure is alot easier than going to all of the sites Yahoo says they use that have these cookies and trying to get each site blocked individually :slight_smile:

Misssing you, Polonus ;D

Hi Emma,

Yes, and in a candle-lit room of course. To neal63 I like to comment that all these sites were blocked by my hosts file, but this claria that accepts third party webbugs from Yahoo is not. Has this to do with MS’s position regarding Claria. Well Yahoo is explicit about their use of webbugs, but Google when they had a case they had to get the proof out of some waste paper bin. Their motto is “Never do evil and never explain what you do”.

Emma, why you place me in the land of Spyros?


lol…I tried to make you as ancient as possible… ;D and I didn’t have any pictures of old (handsome) Dutchmen. :frowning:

Well Emma,

That was a genuine Dutch dike-buster, and for that reason it could be a webbuster. This Adblock thingy is good, I recommend it, so you can filter out what ads you like or not. Very tweakable.

This story of the little Hans Brinkers came from the States, but it is nice. I live close to one of the biggest river-dikes of the land, and at the time of the big floods it was spared, but I still hear the water roaring down the streets in my ears, I was 5 years of age then. But mostly the surroundings look like below,



I like the Firefox extension “adblock” very much. I use this filterset:
(import filterset G in adblock)…

I used to use Proxomitron–it filtered out web-bugs, banner ads etc…
but the author unfortunately died, and the project thus suffered from then on…

Hi my forum friends,

If you want to see who is linking Yahoo webbugs to you, or who is keeping to the rules, like NAI members that do not. Well DoubleClick and Akamai do link third party webbugs, that is for sure. You can search here:

