How to buy avast anti-theft premium license?!


how can I upgrade my avast-anti theft to premium so that I can take remote pictures and record audio?

I would prefer not to give google my payment details, so I need to buy a voucher code, but unforunately I cannot find a damn place to buy one of them.

You used to be able to buy premium mobile license in the avast store, but the product has just disappeared.

The recording and picture taking function is all I want. I dont need the anti virus part as it will tip off thieves who know avast anyway so I will deinstall it once the premium features are unlocked.

Please help! I already tried to contact the support but they only gave answers to questions I didnt ask.

All I want to know is where to get a premium license for the anti theft, other than through google play.

Please anyone… =)

No need to pay.
avast mobile will be free next year.
You can already install it through:

[b]The recording and picture taking function is all I want. I dont need the anti virus part as it will tip off thieves who know avast anyway so I will deinstall it once the premium features are unlocked.[/b]

PLEASE: I only want anti-theft premium features… how to get that unlocked at this time please (future doesnt matter… I need it NOW)

(sorry but I keep getting the wrong answers on this one because nobody actually seems to read my full questions … Im just annoyed… but I still thank you very much for taking the time to answer… hope you dont get it the wrong way…)

I’m facing the same issue.
I need avast ANTI-THETH PREMIUM version
NOT avast MOBILE SECURITY free/full version.

There was no anti-theft premium and there still is none.
There was anti-theft in a “regular” version and a version for rooted devices.

There was AMS free and premium. (version 4 was the latest)
But it has been replaced with AMS free since version 5.

Some features of AMS premium are not (yet) in version 5, but avast is working on them.

What features are missing from AMS5

I know this post is a few months old, and I am not sure if this has been purposefully changed or not, but I do know that there IS a premium side to the Anti-Theft app. However, it does seem to be for free?

When I went to the website it had the interesting features, like the ability to hear the audio, grayed out. So I started to do a little digging. There is a premium option in the phone app. It will pop up letting you know all the great features, but it doesn’t mention a price. I clicked on it to see if it would pull up a price… and BAM… I had the premium version. Apparently until November of 1909… which I think it will take a long time to invent a time machine so we should be good.

Anyhow, I’ve checked all my financial accounts, and nothing seems amiss. My avast account does list the audio and camera features now!

Hope this helps!