How to change the console address on the clients?

How can I send a new mirror server address to the avast clients without changing it manually on every computer or deploying the client again?
Using ASOA latest version.

If your still in control of the old server then you have to set it on the group properties there

if you dont have the old server anymore then i believe you have a problem since as far as i know aswchams.exe doesnt excist anymore?

If the clients are connected to the new management console, they should get the new mirror server address automatically.

Yes, aswchams.exe can’t be found and I don’t think we can use the old server anymore.
I will try adding the clients to the new server and see if they change the address.

If the old server is decommissioned and if the DNS name will not be used anymore, you could change the A record for it to point to the new IP address of the new management server.

You can also use the script below, to change the address of the managed clients:

Dim avast5IniFilePath, newSoaAddr
avast5IniFilePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\avast5.ini"
newSoaAddr = "soa.domain.local"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objAvast5IniFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(avast5IniFilePath, 1)
Do Until objAvast5IniFile.AtEndOfStream
    szNextLine = objAvast5IniFile.Readline
    intLineFinder = InStr(szNextLine, "SBCServerName")
    If intLineFinder <> 0 Then
        szNextLine = "SBCServerName=" & newSoaAddr
    End If
    szNewFile = szNewFile & szNextLine & vbCrLf
Set objAvast5IniFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(avast5IniFilePath, 2)
objAvast5IniFile.WriteLine szNewFile

Just change the “newSoaAddr” address.

Note that the avast! Self-defence module should be disabled first.
(ASOA > NETWORK > Edit group settings > Troubleshooting)

im with avosec for the DNS changes if the old server is not around anymore and the name is not used either.

can also make an usb stick with the ini file pre configured (like the script above does) and then run batch file to copy the file to the right place.
this way your always sure the ini file is complete and the way you made it, the script has a lot of lines coded for a simple thing (no offense, i love scripts too, but this way is easier). both need to be done manually on the computer anyway because you need to disable the selfprotection.