I’ve just run my first full scan with Avast for Mac on my MacBook Pro and have found a number of infections in my external hard drive (G-drive). The problem is I don’t know how to deal with them as when I press Delete I get this message:
Failed to delete /Volumes/G-DRIVE slim/Backups.backupdb/Kylie’s MacBook Pro/2013-06-21-115749/Macintosh HD/Users/KylieH/Library/Mail/V2/POP-kylieh@communitysolutions.ca@pop.communitysolutions.ca/INBOX.mbox/761886C8-0963-4DF6-A630-6F844BFB2880/Data/1/2/2/Messages/221928.emlx.
Hello Kylie,
could you please try to repeat a delete operation an take a look to system log (i.e through /Applications/Utilities/Console), if there’s a more detailed information? The path you have mentioned looks like you backup your computer (i.e. using parallels) to your external drive. In such a case I’m not sure, if the partition is mounted as writable and what would be reaction of a backup tool, if you would delete these files manually. Otherwise, if there is not a bug in avast! code and if your user account is among computer administrators, I would expect that you should be asked to enter a password during a delete operation and then the file should be deleted with a superuser permissions.
As the virus was in yours mailbox, the infected file will be downloaded from a mail server to your hard drive again, until you delete the mail message that has it as an attachement. If the infected file is only in backups and nowhere else, I would leave it there, it is harmless.