Hello, i would be VERY happy if sombody could tell me how to configurate things with firewall, i mean that i want to change what thing i want to allow to internet.
Like when things work!! =D
Hello, i would be VERY happy if sombody could tell me how to configurate things with firewall, i mean that i want to change what thing i want to allow to internet.
Like when things work!! =D
You need to allow avast updater and avast email scanner.
I’m no expert but you also want to make sure you are in a stealth mode with your firewall.
can i use config firewall then?
stealth mode?
Before this thread goes further…I think you should mention what Firewall you are using. It might help.
Firewalls come in 3 basic types:
Applications based. These are the simplest to use since all the user does is decide whether an application should access the internet or not. Zone Alarm is one of the most common around.
Rule based. These are a bit more complex but do allow the user more versatility to protect the computer from prying eyes. Kerio and Tiny are good examples.
App/Rule based. These have the best of both worlds. They contain the simplicity of the Applications Based, and the advantages of the Rule based with the option not to use it. Sygate is one I have used.
It is difficult to explain how to configure your Firewall unless I am familiar with it. Have you tried the HELP file that comes with it???
I will assist if I can.
Thanks, techie…
Rajon, could you answer what Firewall you want to use and configurate?
I just want to play some games and things like that, i had panda anti virus and with that i could just get in to panda antivirus and press
“Configurate what programs you want to allow to Internet”
or something like that.
Sorry if I didn´t understand you very well. But avast! does not act like a firewall (thanks God! ;D), it is just an av application…
If you are talking about another firewall, see techie’s answer (Applications based. These are the simplest to use since all the user does is decide whether an application should access the internet or not. Zone Alarm is one of the most common around.)