How to create batch file for avast! program/engine updater?

Hi malware terminators :slight_smile:

I use Deep Freeze and can’t run avast! automatic program/engine updates. I should create a batch file for Deep Freeze scheduler. Please help me.

my avast! version/edition: Avast! Free Antivirus 5.0.545

c:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5>ashUpd.exe /help ======================================= avast! Antivirus Updater, Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2010 ALWIL Software =======================================

Usage: ashUpd.exe vps [/autoreboot] [/help]
ashUpd.exe program [[/autoreboot] [/help]

   /autoreboot -- reboot the computer after update, if necessary
   /help -- display this help screen</blockquote>

Very thanks :smiley:

With this method I can disable avast! Auto Updater on Deep Freeze working time!? :slight_smile:

Yes, I am using this method to update avast via Task Scheduler. No need to have the update scheduled in two places.

Thanks doktornotor :wink:

I’m sorry, Avast! updated… but,
Please see my attached files… Batch file (batch-file-text.txt) is runing and working after press any key… but I see some error e.g. Access is denied or Invalid option.
Please check it.

@ Hya

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The info given by doktornotor and is from the help on ashUpd.exe is for the examples of usage and parameters,

Usage: ashUpd.exe vps [/autoreboot] [/help]
ashUpd.exe program [/autoreboot] [/help]

The [ square brackets ] are not used in the command string, as they were examples, the correct parameter would be /autoreboot /help.

So your batch commands should look like this:
c:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5>ashUpd.exe vps /autoreboot

c:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5>ashUpd.exe program /autoreboot

Any path to the ashUpd.exe must be in full (this one is for XP)

No, it shouldn’t include the /help switch. I fail to understand how someone could have taken the output of my post and create a batch file from that by cut’n’paste. I assumed that a person using DeepFreeze and talking about batch files to achieve AV updates from that is capable enough of understanding what I posted. :frowning:

I have amended my post to avoid confusion, but yes you would hope that they would understand batch files and parameters if using something like deep freeze.

A .bat file like:

@echo off REM Example Without Reboot "%programfiles%\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashUpd.exe" vps "%programfiles%\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashUpd.exe" program exit

If you do a program update, I expect that it also does the VPS update as it does if you do a manual program update from the avastUI. Though that is speculation on my part as I have never run a program update using ashUpd.exe command line.

Thank doktornotor :), DavidR, majoMo for your attention. :slight_smile:

I gained a new knowledge and experience, again. :smiley:

We run Drive Vaccine from Horizon DataSys and we too need to update Avast via a batch file. I’ve read this post and have run the “ashUpd.exe” from a dos prompt but the screen just flashes and I do not understand batch files and such. Since the posts on here are a few years old, can someone clarify that “ashUpd.exe” is indeed the file to be included in such a batch file? An example would be helpful too.

Thank you.

A few years old, well almost 5 years old ;D

That file, C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashUpd.exe still exists and is in a slightly different location.

But I don’t know if you can use ashUpd.exe it in a batch file with the switches previously mentioned, a case of trial and error I think.

The only examples I can offer are those already given in the topic but with the new location.