How to deal with deleted false positives (due to Delf-MZG==> deleted)

As per everyone, avast went nuts on me last night w/ Delf-MZG messages. Unfortunately, I have the habit of selecting “delete files” (as opposed to quarantine). I haven’t seen any effects yet. Perhaps the files couldn’t be deleted because they were of running apps. However, I’m afraid that, as happens with windows system files, the next time I reboot all those files will be deleted.
So how can I find out what’s been or will be (upon reboot) deleted and better yet, of course, stop/reverse it. I figure, even if I can’t stop if perhaps I can at least repair the damage after the next reboot if I can figure out what files to restore.

I found this :


That’s a link to the same post nmb.

Am running XP Home sp3 and won’t boot upon rebooting except into safe mode.
Had to reinstall Avast in an earlier version (it damaged itself as well as a lot of other programs) and even then won’t reboot into anything but safe mode unless you clean the registry thoroughly first (the virus deletion process (only option available on boot scan) deletes registry cleaner exe’s as well as a host of others so they have to be re-installed and/or replaced as well).


A few other companies had this trouble in the past. This morning I got some warnings, which I already found odd, but I put them into the virus chest. So after the FP was known I was soon up and running again.
Why do you delete the files directly ? That’s just plain stupid. Sure this was a bad beginning of my morning but I’m not going to ditch Avast because of one mistake.

sorry I was lost in tabs, here is the right one :
