how to delete profile

To anyone that can instruct me.

I found this forum very helpful with a problem I had with Avast home but I have now received spam from an EdwardN after being registered for less than a week. Some one please tell me how to delete / remove all of my info from this site as I will not tolerate this.

Only the Administrator could do it.
Maybe you can wait until they see this thread or send an email to support (at)
Sorry to see that just that incident was enough you to leave the forums. I honestly see no reason for that.

You won’t have to nor should you have to do this, action has been taken to stop this, you may have noticed you can’t use PM any longer whilst final decisions are taken as to how to proceed to ensure it doesn’t happen again. This forum is no different to others that have at some time from this abuse. This outlines what is to be done to prevent this (as and when the PM function is restored). My personal view is that people shouldn’t be able to post on the forums without being registered forum members.

:slight_smile: Hi :

 In addition to what has been shared, would encourage
 you to read through the threads at :

                  AND .