How to delete screenshot from desktop??

I saved a screenshot to desktop? It has the screenshot in top left corner about 3x3 and it is on a whole white background that covers a space about 5 in by the whole height of the desktop and is surrounded by my blue desktop. I cannot delete it. I have vista. I tried dragging it trash and it won’t go there .


Restart your PC and then try to delete your screeshort

What do you mean with screenshot ?
Did you made a screenshot ?
Did you place it yourself on the desktop ?
What has this got to do with avast ?
What do you mean with 3x3 ?

I tried restarting and it still won’t delete.

What do you mean with screenshot ? where you use the print screen key
Did you made a screenshot ? yes
Did you place it yourself on the desktop ?yes
What has this got to do with avast ? it is a log I need to post in another avast forum
What do you mean with 3x3-the screenshot is about 3x3 in size

I am just trying to give as much info as I can to solve this and get it off my desktop.
Thank you both.

Try this

@@@@ JGM71201

Following your subsequent post, if you right click on the icon on your desktop and select Properties that should give you the location of the file and its file name.

Copy that full path and file name, you use that when trying to attach it to actual topic - In the Reply window Click the ‘Attachments and other options’ - Now click the Browse button in the expanded - Paste the full path into the new window.

After you have done that then you can take the action given by essexboy.

Thank you both but this is way over my head I will have to seek help from a friend . I can’t even bring up files. I can get into the command prompt box but that is as far as I can get on my own. If I right click there is no t Properties , It is on desktop but it is in paint too paint too.There is no icon it is an open page on desktop, I can post a screenshot of it. I thank you.

A wild guess :slight_smile:

That white background on the left, is that also on the right ?
Are you not confused, and looking at a window showing a screenshot of your desktop, and you think it is your actual desktop ?
If so you should be able to close in the upper right corner.

Greetz, Red.

Thank you but there is no x in top right corner I sent the shot from paint to desktop you want me to post the shot?

Yes please :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

thank you so much,it is on my desktop.

Can you right-click at the window/square I ponted the red arrow at.
Does that open a screen with properties so you can close it ?

Greetz, Red.

EDIT : Deleted screenshot on request of the OP :slight_smile:

Yes it says properties but there is no close, is it supposed to say close, I see no way
to close.

Do you know how to open Task Manager : Press ctrl+alt+delete at the same time.
In the screen that opens start Task Manager.
Task Manager will open on your desktop now.
Under the first tab/collum “Applications” there should be something open/mentioned.
Right-click on any open items there and end the task(s).

Greetz, Red.

I did that and I saw it listed and ended it but it is still on desktop I am going to reboot and see if it goes away be back shortly

nope still there this is too strange .

IF I click on thee white part on my desktop options are
view,sort by,refresh,graphics properties(no arrow),graphics,new,personlalize

Did you check if its not just set as background?

Right click>Personalize>Desktop Background?

I am very sorry when you asked me this I said no
Can you right-click at the window/square I ponted the red arrow at.
Does that open a screen with properties so you can close it ?

yes I can x out .

Steven Winderlich it was the theme, you put me on right track and I changed theme and it is gone, I wonder how that happened?

May I delete my upload above or is it safe to leave it on line. rednose would have to delete his too though.How would I do that ?
Much thanks to both of you

The image that you posted contains no sensitive information, so it wouldn’t be an issue leaving it there. You can however ‘Modify’ your posts. In each of your posts there is a Modify button in the top right of the post, clicking that opens up the post again. Click the Attachments and other options - you should see the image details that you uploaded, uncheck that and save the post. See attached image example, click to expand.

The image should now be gone, you can’t edit other peoples posts for obvious reasons. There is even less information in Reds post so it really isn’t an issue.

Thank you for your help and kind reply. You both did a great job and helped me so much I thank you.