how to detect Virus in Files other than EXE

hi guys i want an easy way to detect a Virus in a File such as a PDF or other stuff
i know i should Scan on Virus total but if the File is too large to scan ?

So you are saying you have a PDF file that is greater than 32MB as that is the maximum upload size ?

Avast should scan .pdf files, so are you saying you have a problem with one that exceeds this size and avast ‘isn’t detecting it.’

i have Problem with targeted attacks and was hacked more than once and ratting without any clue
i don’t want to tell the whole story i was using Secured OS More than Tool
heck even my router Firmware was Infected
any way i want to find if that hacker has binded any of his Rats / exploits what ever in my files

Don’t get me anywrong your antivirus Rocks if i didn’t like it i wouldn’t come here to get help
BTW Avast is One of my Dream job Company :wink:
but 0day malware exist

BTW Avast detected a Linux Rootkit in some .txt file and Deleted it i don’t remember the extention exactly but
i know that i have some nasties that all of antiviruses can’t detected Used More than engine

any way i have about tera Byte of anime and other stuff video/ pictures etc

so how can i be sure that there is nothing suspicious in those

You could use on-line scanners as a secondary scan as a backup to avast. Personally I don’t particularly like this idea as you would probably have to disable avast whilst this on-line scan was in progress and I don’t like being on-line for extended periods with my digital trousers (AV) round my ankles.

Or you can use something like the free versions, of MalwareBytes AntiMalware (MBAM) or SuperAntiSpyware (SAS) anti-spy/malware scanners as on-demand secondary scans.

thanks David
but i already Done this and Did it i used a Lot of scanners More than i can Remember Near to 10 AV scans
but i need a Peace of Mind

from what i understand the Normal SK
will add an exe to a File or an exploit what ever in order to Run that code when a Video Etc…
Get Opened if i catch that One EXE it will Be in Virustotal at once

but first i want to catch it

You have to balance peace of mind against being a slave to the system and not the other way around. I would also suggest you look at a backup and recovery strategy (if you don’t already have one), so your valuable data is backed-up.

Doing numerous on-demand scans won’t help that much as for the most part the files that will be being scanned would otherwise be dormant or inert. That is the point of resident on-access scanners to intercept files at risk of infection and scan them before being allowed to run, opened or modified, etc.

Baboba, I’m with David on this. On demand scanning won’t bring you peace of mind.
Run once, keep avast on and updated, use avast! on access (resident) features and virtualize (sandbox) your browsers.
Backup strategy is also a good one.

well now i think i’m going to ditch a tera of anime

backup is very hard to do because well hard drives are expensive
i always back up important Data on DVDs

thanks anyway good try

You’re welcome.