How to disable annoying extensions and Yahoo? Disappointing with Avast !

Each time I open my browser Avast is pushing me to “install additional” extensions

Also, Any time I’m searching something and if I write a wrong address avast is opening Yahoo

Please help, how to disable all these nonsense >:( >:(

This is annoying, I paid for your PRO version, I don’t want to see this notification!
Next year I will cancel my subscription

What version of Avast ??? What Operating system ??? What Browser ???
You’ll find the latest version of Avast here:

AVAST 18.5.2342
Windows 10 64X
Browser Chrome
Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Free version of Avast or paid ??? Which one. The default browser is Chrome or, the Avast Secure Browser ???