How to disable avast icon in task bar


I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with.

I am using Avast ADNM, I have deployed the Avast client software to my network. I would like Avast to be as discrete as possible for the users however randomly a taskbar icon of Avast will appear for a short period (1-5 seconds) and then disappear.

Does anyone know what this is and how to disable this?

I have posted a screenshot of the randomly appearing taskbar icon below.


Nigel James

Hi Nigel, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

This is the VRDB icon that was present in avast! 4.8 It is possible to hide it by right clicking on the avast! icon and finding merge icons or something similar…

IIRC when you right click the ‘a’ icon there is a VRDB option and in that menu there is an option to merge the two…

I know that this thread is in the ADNM section so I could be mistaken, but is there any reason for not using avast! 5? It has been out for a while now (and is the reason for my being a little vague above, apologies)


Thanks for the quick reply.

I downloaded the trial version of the Avast Advanced suite and they only offer version 4.8 for workstations. I could not see any option for version 5.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Yes, I wasn’t sure whether avast! 5 could be used in the situation you are in…

Did you manage to hide the icon?

Hi Nigel, I’m not sure, but check if you have set “silent regime” in properties of Default resident task (look in menu Standard shield, Advanced,…) Maybe it help…

Yes I was able to disable the icon spg scott, thanks for the help.

Thanks for your input Paba.