How to disable Avast logo from being appended to all my email?

Last month I updated Avast! Free Antivirus to version 2014.9.0.2008.

Now all of my outgoing email (using Outlook Express on my laptop) has an undesirable feature.

Namely, the Avast logo and the text “This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active” is appended to the end of all of my outgoing email. Ugh!

Is there a setting to disable this? As a retired software engineer I am usually pretty savvy at solving these kind of issues. But this one has me stumped.



Hello and welcome to the Forum! :slight_smile:

Open GUI → Settings → Active Protection → Mail Shield settings → Behavior → uncheck Insert note into clean message (outgoing)


Thank you so much.

It was a little tricky. But hey, it worked. :slight_smile:

FYI, the navigation was slightly different for my version of Avast – or perhaps I am just describing the navigation a little differently.

Open Avast GUI > Gear Icon for Settings > Active Protection (left pane) > Gear Icon for Mail Shield

This adds a new column to the left pane (e.g., Main settings, Behavior, etc.)

Click Behavior > Uncheck “Insert note into clean message (outgoing).”

Click OK and exit the Avast GUI.

You’re welcome.
