How to disable Avast notification

Hello everyone,

I keep receiving the following message :

Avast has detected a secure connection from your mail program to the SMTP server.
This type of connection cannot be checked for viruses. Please Disable SSL/TSL in your mail client so that the mail scanner can scan your mail. The mail scanner will provide the SSL/TSL security itself.

However, i trust that application. So i want to disable that Avast notification message, but how ? :-\

SSL/TLS is a secure connnection…so no AV can scan it…if they did it would not be secure :wink:

so two ways here, if you dont wan avast to scan your incoming mail, you can disable the pop up and forget about it.
your mail provider may already scan the mail at the mail server. like Hotmail / Gmail / Yahoo mail and many others do
see bottom of screenshot #32 here

if you want avast to scan your mail, you must sett it up correct…
meaning disable SSL/TLS in your mail client and let avast do the SSL/TLS connection

This is just saying that this email account isn’t able to be scanned because it is encrypted, using SMTP SSL port - Disabling the notice won’t get it scanned.

But if you wish to do it, in the avastUI, Real-Time Shields, Mail Shield, Expert Settings, SSL Accounts and uncheck the Automatically detect and warn about unprotected SSL connections.