how to disable avast

i want to try another anti virus so i done want to uninstall avast .can anyone can how to disable the avast icon . i am using win 98 se

You want to uninstall avast?
Then go to the Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs; avast! Antivirus should be there…

no i dont want to uninstall avast . i want to keep avast as a back up scanner

You can disable all the resident providers (and when avast! asks if the changes should be persisted, select “Yes”).

Or, you can try to remove the avast! item (ashserv.exe) from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
(but I’m not completely sure if it won’t be put back during an update).

Probably it will be put back during the updates…
Try just the database (VPS) updates or, after a full update and boot, remove the avast! item on that Registry key…

Anyway, why do you want avast! to be only the backup scanner?

This is one of the cases where using MSConfig is easier than managing the registry with a registry editor.

The rest of the instructions should still apply (namely stopping the providers), unless your are neither going to use Avast as a “second opinion” antivirus during the time of the test. Updates should be done manually. When you search for program updates and there is an update (even only a newer Virus definition files), the icon will be back (the providers will still be disabled), and you will have to use the MSconfig again. I believe that if the providers, and all real time avast processes are disabled, you may use another AV without conflicts, even if the Avast icon is in the system tray.

As for MSConfig, simply type it and press enter from the Start/Run box, and then after the MSConfig window is up, choose the “Startup” tab and unceck the “avast!” box.