How to disable Outlook 2007 toolbar from Small Business server

OK, we have Avast installed on around 150 PC’s, and recently the Avast Spam toolbar has started to appear on some of them. Now, we don’t necessarily want it running, but there’s no option in the config we can find to disable it. Can anyone help? We configure it from the Avast Small Business web app.

Im assuming you are referring to the Anti-Spam plugin that is a part of Endpoint Protection Suite Plus?

In Avast SOA, go to network > group view. Click on the group settings button and choose the shields menu. Here you can disable the shields you do not want to run.

Well, in the first place, this doesn’t appear to be a shield, and in the second place all we necessarily want to disable is the Outlook toolbar itself. That being said, we don’t have the Mail or Exchange shields running anyway.

Also, as I said earlier we’ve only seen it (or at least been asked about it) on a couple machines so far. And I believe they’ve both been running Outlook 2003, whereas most of the rest of the company is running Outlook 2007. Now, that’s not set in stone, however I know I have the Avast addin’s running in Outlook 2007 (I verified through COM Add-ins), but I don’t have the toolbar. Could just be a coincidence though. We haven’t really had enough reports of it yet to come to any hard conclusions. But since we use another anti-spam system (Postini) we don’t want to deal with a second.

Anyone have any other ideas about this?

The Antispam addin for Outlook is part of the avast! ANTISPAM Shield, so disabling the shield will disable the addin in Outlook.

We don’t even have a SPAM shield listed, let alone enabled. We only have the following:
File System Shield - enabled
Mail Shield - disabled
Web Shield - Enabled
P2P Shield - disabled
IM Shield - disabled
Network Shield - enabled
Script Shield -enabled
Behavior Shield - disabled
Exchange Shield - disabled
SharePoint Shield - disabled
WebRep - disabled

If it makes a difference, we’re running Avast SOA


Go into Outlook and check the ADD-IN area.
You can disable the toolbar right from inside Outlook.
Get back to me.