How to disable reputation services. I haven’t found that option in cloud settings.
I can only edit this in every device setting, but after restarting the computer, reputation services backs to enabled mode.
The same question about disabling animated icon while scanning.
I wanna know the same thing!!!
IT’s EXTREMELY ANNOYING that those DAMN rep services get re-enabled after every reboot and THERE’S NO WAY to disable them in the business console!!!
Could you please include more information about which particular feature you are after? Maybe a screenshot could help.
The only feature that I know of with “reputation” in it’s name is the Webshield module “Warn when downloading files with poor reputation”. Other features that deal with reputation are DeepScreen, CyberCapture, and Hardened Mode; all of which are cloud controlled.
What part part of REPUTATION SERVICES didn’t you understand?
That DAMN option is re-enabled after EVERY REBOOT, no matter how many times you disable it.
There’s no way of disabling in the web console (this is the business version we’re talking about)
As far as I know there is no way to disable that checkbox through the cloud console.
Perhaps we should take a step back and ask why you need to disable it? If you are having trouble with a specific application issue, the answer might really be to manage the settings of the scanning modules affected. Those are settings you can at least control from the cloud console.
If you want no cloud reputation services at all, perhaps you need a product that has on-premises management, not cloud managed. :-\
Why would I want to disable it?
Because I’M SICK of the insane number of false positives, that’s why.
That’s why i also disable PUP detection and cyberCRAPture (this is one just slows down things too much and it either doesn’t do anything useful or just gives false positves, which -like i said- I AM SICK OF).
I’m smart enought to know what I’m doing, I don’t just execute any exe that comes in an e-mail atachment, for instance. I Don’t need those services).
I’m going to resurrect this topic. This reputation services CRAP is getting re-enabled even without restarting. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DISABLE THIS CRAP!!!