Have a Question, where in the settings do I stop scan at boot ?
Currently using home user 4.1.342 Jan 04. Thanx
Very simple.
Open up the Simple User Interface, right click, or go to menu, click on “schedule boot-time scan” and press cancel.
I hope that helps.
What exactly is your problem, notme? Repeated boot-time scanning?
You must ‘schedule’ a boot-scan and then ‘re-schedule’ again. At the second time, a question asking for ‘disabling’ the first one will stop the boot-scan.
If it is a repeated boot scanning, then the problem will probably be at Windows Registry and I think Igor (or Vlk) will be able to help you.
Thank you for the help guys, Yes my prob is every time i re-boot avast does a scan ,no biggie, i can always hit the escape key.
Hmm… there should be a workaround for this problem in build 342 >:(
Could you please start regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, select the value BootExecute and export it to a file? If you could post the file as an attachment here, I would like to check what could be wrong there.
igor file is to big to save as attachment,Ii did as suggested canceled boot scan but it scans on boot anyways?
notme, choose only the value specified by igor… The file couldn’t be so big…
If you can’t, why don’t you edit the file (notepad) and delete the useless information for this thread, letting just the specific value BootExecute ?
Clicking ‘ESC’ each boot-time will be terrible annoying…
Hey igor try this attachment, open with notepad
Thanks Technical for input
Thanks for the file!
Your BootExecute key is corrupted in a stranger way than I expected (technically, you don’t have a double-null in the middle of the value, but rather a null at the very beginning). I’ll update the workaround for this.
For you, I would recommend to clear the BootExecute value - keep only an emptry string there (4 nulls).

Thanks for the file!
Your BootExecute key is corrupted in a stranger way than I expected (technically, you don’t have a double-null in the middle of the value, but rather a null at the very beginning). I’ll update the workaround for this.For you, I would recommend to clear the BootExecute value - keep only an emptry string there (4 nulls).
Thanks igor that did the trick = (4null)