i’m using Avast 4 Home Edition (4.1.418) for two months now and i’m very satisfied with it.
Though, i’d like to do some modifications …
How can i disable the tray icon fully?
I only could merge it with the one from the database, but i’d like to remove it totally.
How can i disable the pop ups that appear at the right lower corner?
if e.g. the connection to the update server couldn’t be enabled (for example because of network problems) a red pop up appears and doesn’t appear till i click on it.
The same thing when a new version of the database is installed. Then a blue pop up appears and doesn’t want to disappear.
I’d like to disable them fully or at least enable a function (if it exists) to let them dissappear after a while.
To disable tray icon use my avast! External Control (AEC - avast! Tweaker function). regarding that popup i’m not sure. If its possible to turn it off via INI file i can integrate this in AEC,but i don’t know yet.
The popups will disapear after a while normally. I don’t know if you can change the time they are shown. But there is a thread here that deals with the ini file of Avast. It may has something about it.
Ok,you can now download avast! External Control (AEC) from:
or from my signature.
I added tweaks to disable that blue popup box on updates (both normal and error box) plus that red and yellow tag that appears on virus detection.
To remove those things you requested,do as i’ll write here:
Run my avast! External Control and use avast! Tweaker function
Uncheck Show tray icon
Check Suppress Update Popup Box
Check Suppress Update Error Popup Box
Click Next for so long that you’ll get message box asking you if you want to restart avast! Antivirus in order for changes to take effect.
Select Yes to restart it now or select No and changes will take effect on next system startup or if you use Auto-Restart function in AEC later.
Hope you’ll stay here on forums to help other users
Take care
Thanks very much for your quick answers and for your efforts.
With such competent people in the background (i always wonder about companies who don’t have any forums - they miss a great opportunity of user-to-user-help) avast! is definitly a very good alternative to total commercial products.