how to enable disabled aspects, like SecureDNS

so, I have the IS version, and just checked my account online. It says that certain components, like SecureDNS are not enabled and that I can enable it on my device. I’ve looked everywhere and cannot figure out how. When I click my avast icon, click the li’l gear, and check everything there, it says everything is ON. What gives?

Same goes for Safezone. Says it’s installed, but not enabled. ??? I use the SZ browser for banking.

Finally I DO NOT want to auto renew parts like Cleanup, but can’t find where to SHUT THAT OFF. It was a worthless investment and it’s about to renew itself when I do not want it to!

One thing’s for sure --this might be a great antivirus program in general, but it is FAR from simple to use. Being a not so computer saavy person, I need to be able to see, click and go. I’m always hunting and hunting for whatever I need, and then finding it didn’t happen the way I thought it would when it comes to setting it up.