Is it possible to activate the internet connection (3G/EDGE) remotely? In fact, I disable this default connection (less battery consumption). But if it’s not activated, it is no longer possible to send requests with Avast Mobile Security …
Could you tell me what is the command to send to activate “mobile internet connection”. I’m talking about the “mobile Internet connection” (3G, EDGE) and not WIFI.
So, if I lost my phone with the internet connection not activated, it’s not possible to activate this connection remotely, right?
It is possible to activate the WIFI connection (LOCATE for example), but not the 3G connection, right?
no you can send SMS LOST to the phone. This will cause the internet connection to become active and stay active, if you have that protection behavior set.
OK, I understand the procedure with the LOST command.
I have checked that the option “Force Data connection” is selected.
But when I send an SMS with the command “LOST” or from the Avast site, the request is not considered (Command Time Out) and the data connection is not activated.
By cons, if I do the same manipulation with the data connection enabled on my phone, the LOST command works correctly.
So, I noticed that if my phone is lost (or stolen) while the data connection is inactive, it is impossible to send commands …
Is this normal?
please try to send LOST by SMS and check if data connectivity gets turned on successfully. before that make sure that the protection behavior is enabled.
I’ve waited so long for the web portal and what do I get? It requires the mobile data internet connection to be turned on!? That’s stupid. I was certain about how you were going to issue the commands, via sms, and NOT via internet.
ALL available SMS commands should be possible to send from the web portal, not only a few of them. You should definitely rework the web portal! It really doesn’t allow you to do much from there.
a nice wish, but i am sure you know that SMS cost a lot of money. Sending 100.000s of commands by SMS for free would certainly ruin every company out there. i am sorry.
PS: you still have the possibility to remote control Anti-Theft by SMS of course. Plus if you enable “keep data connection on” protection behavior + send the LOST command by SMS to the phone, the device goes online.
Yes, I can live with that. But many of the commands that are available via SMS can’t be used in the web portal, that’s bad.
Some other suggestions are;
Record sound and send it up to the cloud when done recording.
Take photos (front or back camera) and an option to use flash.
The CALL command: I’m using CM10 on the Galaxy S2, when calling someone, it’s not being hidden good enough. Why not enter the phone into black, fullscreen mode while in a call and disable all HW/SW keys and buttons? Only way to get out of the full screen (black) is: The person at the other end has to end the call, then the black screen will go away.
I understand why you can’t use SMS. But you should add a popup message in the web portal that tells you to send an SMS command manually to force mobile data, WiFi and GPS on.
Sorry for the delay.
I made several tests and it works correctly by sending an SMS. In fact it came from another application blocking the activation of the data connection.