Hallo, How can I exclude files from scanning by clients part of avast in resident task? I tried to do as shown on pic, but nothing happend, avast always moves to chest file named admdll.dll… may be, I’m writting the exclusions in the wrong place?
There are two Exclusion lists, the one you’ve posted a picture (on-access) and the on-demand scanning exclusions.
Is there any scheduled scanning (on-demand) on clients?
Maybe the file is a false positive, why do you want to exclude it from scanning?
There are no any scheduled scanning (on-demand) on clients…
the file is written in exclusions list,as shown on picture, is it right?
when I try to extract this file from archive, avast immediately moves it to chest, but that not right, I don’t want avast to scan that file, and some other types of files…
hallo,…? Can anybody tell, why resident protection of avast scans admdll.dll file, if the name of this file written in exclusion list?
Sorry for getting back to you so late, I must have missed this post… :-[
Anyway, to answer your question, you need to add something like
or, better, full path to the admdll.dll file in question (this will prevent scanning of the file only in that specific location - which is slightly more secure).