How to fix Virut/Sality without reformatting

This is a great guide for removing it

Sorry, but offering up a solution from may 2009, isn’t a great idea. Whilst DrWeb CureIt CD has had good success against file infectors, new variants are obviously going to be trying to evade that detection.

Yes DrWeb CureIt will also be trying to keep pace with developments, but I still think this kind of malware should be done under the guidance of a malware removal specialist and not based on a video on youtube (and an old one at that).

he is a malware removal expert… he runs a computer fixing shop in the us.

Even i run maware fixing shop at india ;D

Dr.Web can do disinfection of sality or virut i havent seen a varient at my shop from pst 5 months so i dont know how far they [dr.web] have gone ahead…

Thats a discussion closing comment right there. I don’t think anyone can top that.

what do u mean ???

He might well be, but they aren’t giving the victim the directed guidance, they are left to view the old video (over two and a half years ago) on their own and there may well have been changes since the video was made.

Hi megapancake,

With a virut/sality infection I would weigh my chances and put my fate in the hands of a qualified malware remover like essexboy or oldman etc here. It is very important to start the disinfection as soon as possible, while every reboot will lessen your chances of surviving a file infector. Next to DrWebCureIT I heard from essexboy that while cleansing is performed avast av solution is very well able to keep the computer stable so the infection will not get worse or even some more malware friends come to play, then the use of CureIT is additional. The enhanced possibilties of DrWebCureIt is the way they get into locked mode (freeze the desktop) while this stand alone av is being run. In some cases the malware removal expert will advise a certain specific tool to be used,


A new free removal program can be found here:
VirutKiller link source Kaspersky Lab
Use this tool only when asked to use it and under supervision of a qualified malware remover, like essexboy, oldman, etc.
